Monday, April 27, 2020

Cinder Bin, session 4

...these are the materials we're working with... 

I am Eli                                                                                                 
Julian is Deadeye Duncan                                                            
Willie’s out this session, but he’s Gorman normally         
Reuben joins us and takes over playing Rue                       
Scaddy is the DM                                                                            

session 4

Scene one, the campfire. We’re up a family of NPCs from town (a man, a woman, and a child). Everyone else has headed east-ish, but we’re sure that the next town’s the best way to go. Nothing happens overnight. It’s pretty peaceful. Probably the most dangerous things out here are feeders, or big lizards (it’s the wrong season for that really) or other people.

We ride off towards the next town over. Neither Eli nor Deadeye have any memory of the place. It’s only been there about six months or so. Most of the folks here used to be at a different dig site, half a day west of here, give-or-take.

In town, there are a pair of drinking establishments, a couple of scavengers, and a collection of hovels, rocks, tarps, plastics, and walls. Doctor’s office, too.

There are two horses piled high with trade goods. There’s a woman sitting in front of the horses with several large boxes and a plank of plastic. Her name is Amya, and she’s a traveler and a trader.

She’s got a few pieces of tech for trade; there are a bunch of things on the horses, also. Deadeye Duncan makes a beautiful introduction for us:

Deadeye—Y’know, lass, fifty’s the new forty. Which means I’m forty six and three, honey.

We haggle with her for a time, and after a couple castings of detect tech and detect radiation, we settle on a solar charger for our power packs, and trade away our street sweeper for it.

WE TRADED AWAY                                                          AND WE RECIEVED
Corona laser rifle                                             Crab Venom x10 w/Pre-Burn Medical Injector
Azmuth laser rifle                                            Solar Charger
Second Skin x2                                                Changes of clothes for Duncan and Eli,
     and a few small knick knacks

Deadeye—If you can’t help me find a type two power pack, maybe you can help me find out what you’re doing later tonight.

This line gets him tazed. Duncan rolls around in the dirt like a turtle for a bit, but we still manage to close out negotiations amiably and proceed to hit the town.

Duncan declares that every rest stop needs a bar fight. We stroll into the bar and we meet Jinx, and he tells us that a couple of Simplification street preacher folks were in here a few days ago, but he hasn’t realized that the other town got taken out by Simplification folks. He’s taken aback. Duncan tells him all about our fight with the simplification; Jinx says the Simplification hit a couple other towns, too, recently, but it was nothing so exaggerated as what happened to the other town.

Kess is passed out in the corner after fifteen minutes of hard drinking. Rue and Sunday go exploring the town; Sunday goes to see the doctor and inquires about his services and expertise.

Duncan tells Jinx all about the fusion bomb that went off, which, of course, Eli denies. Eli’s really wondering about how he’s going to strike back at the Simplification with this crew. Duncan’s dying for a fight, and neither Sunday nor Rue are really sure what we should do next, despite their know-how and their skill sets. Gorman’s an amnesiac. And Duncan, while a legendary fighter, is more intent on drinking and fighting than he is on grandiose tales of revenge. What to do, what to do…

Rue gives Sunday’s armor a buff, too, while they’re all hangin’ out that evening. Just a neat little thing she does. Y’know. Magic. Or tech. Or both. Anime stuff.

Digby and Xaiden are two dudes in the bar that Deadeye challenges to a game of cards. Amazingly, Deadeye wins. We drink for free. We start to talk about the Simplification and, well, Eli gives a pretty dang inspiring speech. It gets the townsfolk roused to action. Of course, we’re not quite sure yet what that action should be, but it’s definitely military, and it’s gotta happen soon.

There’s a real sentiment – the Simplification needs to be defeated! There’s a vehicle out there, in the town. We can probably use that. Lyric is a knife fighter, and he’s already killed a red-cloak. Nice to know. The mechanic and his brother would both be good in a fight. We’ve got horses, too. And laser rifles. We brainstorm a scenario where we leave a bunch of caltrops in the grass, and then bait the Simps into following us and cutting up their feet while we pick ‘em off with laser rifles.

Eli consults Haley about battlegrounds, and it turns out there are a few decently shaped flat plains nearby. Covered in grass, no less. Interesting…

The next morning. Kess is super hung over. Deadeye makes sure to encourage him with lots of loud noises. To escape Deadeye, he heads to the edge of town with his plane, and does a little scouting maneuver…

And discovers we’ve all got about ten minutes before fifty Simplification soldiers crest the hill and sack the town. Fuck.

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